Course Completion
Congratulations! You've completed your training on In-Field Verification!
Well done, you've successfully completed your Competence Club E-Learn. Keep up the great work! 

Share your success!
It's time to showcase your knowledge and professional achievements to the world through LinkedIn.

An Introduction to the Importance of Field Verification E Badge  
It’s simple! Here’s how to do it:
  1. Download your e-badge from your lesson file located to the right.
  2. Navigate to LinkedIn.
  3. Create a post and upload your badge as an image.
  4. Share your professional achievements and knowledge with the world. Don't forget to use the hashtag #CompetenceClub and tag ROSEN to ensure we see it.
  5. Click "Post" and proudly share your accomplishment with your community.

What's Next? 
Now that you've gained valuable on knowledge In-Field Verification, it's time to take your expertise to the next level. Dive deeper into the topic and discover our services by exploring our services.