Did you miss out on our 2023 Complimentary Feature Topics? Now is the perfect time for a recap!
Our Feature Topics are handpicked resources designed to highlight key pipeline integrity topics and have been created by industry experts to expand your knowledge and help you keep up with the competition. Discover the content below:
- Introduction to Onshore Laws, Regulations, and Standards with Dr. Phil Hopkins: In just 35 minutes, you will learn about the legislation, regulations, and standards used at all stages of the onshore pipeline life cycle.
- In-line Inspection of Pipelines with Dr. Michael Beller: In 15 minutes, you'll discover why In-line inspection technologies are used, the history of In-line inspection, non-destructive testing technologies applied, the types of assets that can be inspected and how data obtained and how it can be used.
- Introduction to Probability of Failure Analysis with Ian Diggory: This 60 minute course will provide you with an awareness of various pipelines which may lead to loss of containment and assessing the probability of failure from qualitative to quantitative.
- Introduction to Pipeline Defects with Angus Patterson: In 60 minutes, gain an understanding of the different types of defects that can appear in pipelines, their causes and the threats they pose to the pipeline.
- Evaluation of Dents in Pipelines with Roland Palmer-Jones: Learn how to evaluate dents in pipelines in just 10 minutes with an enlightening video presentation by Chief Operating Officer Roland Palmer-Jones. You'll gain insight on the impact of dents on pipelines, the role of strain, the importance of pressure cycling, the techniques for detecting and measuring dents and how to utilize internal inspection data to assess a dent.
- Pitting Corrosion - Known Aspects and Remaining Challenges with Dr Jozef Soltis: In under 15 minutes, you can enhance your understanding of the known aspects and remaining challenges surrounding pitting corrosion to improve predictions and system reliability.
- Evolution of MFL Technology in In-line Inspection with Johannes Spille: In this 15 minute video you'll get an overview of the evolution of one of the oldest and most frequently used In-Line Inspection Technologies. You'll learn about the history of MFL, the challenges in MFL data evaluation, the developments of sensors and sizing algorithms and the future of MFL in integrity assessments of pipelines.
- Natural Gas Transmission with Dr. Alan Murray: In 35 minutes, you'll learn about the compositions of natural gas and its effect on flow, Relating the physical properties of gas and its pressure and temperature, Flow regimes and the general flow equation, the sensitivity of flow rate to diameter and pressure, and the use of J curves to size an efficient pipeline.
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