Managing the Threat of Hard Spots

Managing the Threat of Hard Spots

This recorded training course will introduce hard spots in the context of pipeline integrity management. As a potential threat to pipeline integrity, hard spots can become preferential sites for cracking. An update in regulatory requirements and an increased visibility of this threat mean that operators are now tasked with detecting and addressing the threat of hard spots. This course will offer a broad overview of the history of hard spots and their potential causes, the in-line inspection technology used to assess, characterize and size hard spots. Hard spot verification procedures as well as different types of material hardness anomalies that have been verified through non-destructive and destructive testing, will be covered. The course will discuss the trends observed from vast amount of inspection data as well as validation data, which can help to advance susceptibility analysis and threat management. Finally, a holistic integrity management process with respect to the threat of hard spots, including repair and mitigation options, will be introduced.

Your course at a glance


Course Availability

On Request



Estimated 3 hours






Awareness level


Designed by

Course material designed by ROSEN Experts


What you will get

Certificate of Completion, plus 
Continued Professional Development hours

Course agenda

Should you require any further information or support please contact

What you will learn


  • Definition and probable origins / causes of hard spots

Hard spot historical incidents and current regulations on hard spots

In-line inspection technology for hard spot / hardness anomaly detection

  • Trends observed from ILI data

Hard spot / hardness anomaly validation

  • Considerations for differences between ILI and in-ditch measurements
  • Differences between verification by non-destructive and destructive verification
  • Advanced susceptibility based on validated data

Known types of hardness anomaly and characteristics

Integrity implications for material hardness anomalies, specifically hard spots



Khanh Tran

Khanh Tran is a Senior Integrity Engineer based in Houston, Texas and has been working with ROSEN's Integrity Solutions group for the past four years. Khanh performs a range of integrity engineering assessments, including probabilistic assessments, immediate and future integrity analyses for crack-like and metal loss anomalies. Currently, her primary focus is hard spot management where she supports major gas transmission pipeline operators with managing the uncertainties, maximizing the benefit from the in-line inspection and integrity management. Khanh’s recent publications demonstrate the expertise on the threat and the in-line inspection system through extensive collaboration with operators.


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