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Risk Consistent Safety Class System and Class Factors for CSA Z662 with Maher Nessim

The Class Location System CSA Z662 is defined as a geographical area that is classified according to its approximate population density as well as other characteristics that are considered when designing and pressure testing piping in a specific area. This presentation is about a new safety class system and set of design factors that have been developed as a possible replacement for the current class location system and the current hoop stress factor's location is CSA Z662.

In this 30-minute video presentation, you'll learn about:

  • The background of class location systems
  • The Limitations identified in 2015, including LVP liquid hydrocarbon pipelines, HVP and carbon dioxide, and other issues.
  • How were the limitations addressed
  • Risk-based design approach
  • Why change to risk-based design: Benefits & precedent
  • What are the main elements of new design approach
  • Risk-based Safety Class System – an outline
  • Calibration of Design Criteria and Approach

Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your understanding, gain valuable perspectives, and elevate your expertise. Click play to get started. ​

Meet the Expert: 
Maher Nessim, PhD, PEng, FCAE

Maher Nessim has a PhD in structural reliability, and over 40 years of experience in engineering design, research and management. During the past 32 years, his work focused on risk and reliability analysis and its applications to a variety of engineering systems.

Between 1993 and 2009, he led C-FER's efforts in the pipeline area, developing a strong research and development program in risk and reliability applied to the design and integrity management of pipelines. He is the initiator and original designer of the PIRAMID integrity management software, manager of the PRCI series of projects resulting in the development of the reliability-based design and assessment approach incorporated in Annex O and the joint industry projects that developed the limit states design approach in Annex C of CSA Z662 and the safety class system proposed for the 2023 edition of CSA Z662.

Maher has authored and presented over 120 journal and conference papers on risk and reliability analysis, lectured extensively on the subject and provided consulting service worldwide. He is a member of the CSA Z662 Design Technical Sub Committee and Class Location task Force, Chair of the CSA Annex C/O Task Force and the Risk Management Task Force. He has received the PRCI Distinguished Researcher Award, the CSA Award of Merit, and has been a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers since 2013.

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