Virtual Meetup: Why Should You Invest In Professional Development?

Is investing in professional development the key to a successful career in the pipeline industry? Join the Competence Club's June Meetup to get expert insight!

During this interactive webinar, you'll meet with ROSEN's Education Systems and Services team and their special guests as they discuss why developing your skillset can be important for your career, and the challenges and opportunities you have in 2022 and beyond.

Watch the Replay

Meet the experts

Christopher Holliday, Integrity Engineering Lead at ROSEN Canada

Chris Holliday holds the position of Integrity Engineering Lead at ROSEN Canada. Chris is a registered Professional Engineer in British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. He moved to Calgary from the UK, where he is a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Mechanical Engineers. Chris graduated with 1st class honours in Mechanical Engineering from Northumbria University followed by a Post Graduate Certificate in Pipeline Engineering from Newcastle University. Chris spent the first half of his career working for ROSEN as a pipeline integrity engineer in Newcastle UK, conducting engineering assessments, corrosion growth, dent strain & fatigue and crack assessments. During that time, Chris has presented a number of technical papers with an emphasis on the assessment of pipeline deformations reported by ILI and pipeline structural analysis in landslide areas. Chris is a sessional instructor at the University of Calgary on the Pipeline Engineer Graduate Certificate Program and he volunteers with the Young Pipeliners Association of Canada. Chris has worked actively in collaborating on pipeline codes and standards development. Chris is currently a member of the Technical Subcommittee on Operations and, Systems Integrity (O & SI) for the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Z662 Oil and gas pipeline systems standard and he is a member of the CSA Z662 Integrity Task Force.

Leslie Chapman, TED Business Partner for ROSEN UC

Leslie Chapman has over 15 years' experience working in oil and gas, utilities, and non-profit industries project managing the development and delivery of training solutions designed to support business goals. Her outstanding strengths include leadership, communication, cross-functional collaboration, and influencing.

Other endeavors Leslie is involved in include making natural bath and body products. She does this through her company Chayah. Also, Leslie along with two co-authors published their first children's book, Boops Character Mission – Mission I: Roatan. The book is available on and Amazon.

Leslie holds a Master's in Education from University of St. Thomas, and a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering from Clarkson University.

Virtual Meetup Series 2022

​Join engaging live calls by attending our Virtual Meetup Series in 2022! Take your professional development into your own hands through attending this flexible learning format focusing on exchange with peers and experts! Whether you are at the office, on your lunch break, or in your home office, actively discuss specific topics and increase your skills – straightforward and in a very short time. Quick. Virtual. Live.

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